Israel Greenlights First AI Traffic Light
The traffic light is set to be installed in the coming weeks at a busy intersection near Ben-Gurion Airport
Israel has approved the installation of its first artificial intelligence-based traffic light. Israeli startup Intelligent Traffic Control Ltd. (ITC), in collaboration with Netivei Israel, formerly the National Roads Company of Israel, are set to install the AI traffic light in the coming weeks. The chosen location: a busy intersection near Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport.
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Standard smart traffic lights, currently installed in dozens of intersections throughout Israel, use road sensors to detect vehicle presence and change the light accordingly. ITC’s system, in comparison, relies on a network of cameras installed along the road leading to the intersection. The cameras transmit data to ITC’s control center where information such as vehicle type and speed is analyzed. Using these parameters, obtained from hundreds of vehicles per minute, the ITC control center calculates the expected load level at the junction and schedules the traffic activity accordingly. The process is completely automated.
Pending the success of the pilot, the company will be ready to start sales of its AI road lights by the end of 2019, according to ITC’s website.
ITC is currently enrolled in Highroad Innovation Center's Launchpad program.
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