The Coronavirus Crisis Can Help See Who is Faking it in Israel’s Tech Industry, Says Japanese Investor
Nobuyuki Akimoto, managing director at AT Partners, a Japanese venture capital fund that invests in Israeli funds, spoke about Japanese investments during the Covid-19 era
"There will be changes in the relations with powers in Asia, and it's possible that China’s influence in Israel will fall, and we hope that Japan will take advantage of the opportunity, and offer a way for us to see more and more Japanese companies investing in Israel and in other sectors and apart from technology," he said.
"Like every post traumatic syndrome, the influence of the coronavirus in the short term will disappear, people will exit lockdown and will see that there is still a world outside, so the appetite to implement technologies and investments will recover," Eitan Naor, Managing Partner at IN Venture, the Israeli venture capital fund of Japan’s Sumitomo corporation explained. "We are very optimistic but still cautious about the investments and looking for entrepreneurs and companies that manage their money carefully. During a crisis cash really is king, and we want to make certain that investors will understand the importance of managing money and will understand the importance of being very precise about the marketing abilities of the product."
"The concern about a recession in Japan will have no dramatic influence on our investments. We understand that startups need financing and as investors, we want to support them and speed up the process. We know that every dollar that we bring to the table today is valued much more than in the past, and we are not only talking about money but also supporting startups that are entering Japan and connecting them to future companies and investors," said Shirley Binder, Head of the Israeli branch of Japan’s Samurai Incubate fund Israel. "As a Japanese-Israeli venture capital firm, we must be more attentive to startups and provide them with immediate responses. This is something essential that all of us investors must currently adopt."
To sum up, Arun Poojari, General Manager Asia-Pacific and Japan for startup SparkBeyond, said that, "External changes always worked well in Japanese history. The Japanese market opened up after being closed for 300 years and there are many changes that have taken place over the past 10 years. I hope that we are talking about continuing change for Japanese corporations. We clearly see that there will be large corporations that will adopt new work practices and will encourage innovation, and will give a prominent place to technology companies.