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Demonstrators march across Brooklyn Bridge in support of Israeli democracy

Demonstrators march across Brooklyn Bridge in support of Israeli democracy

The demonstration organized by ex-pat activist group UnXeptable saw over a thousand people march in New York to protest of the judicial overhaul

CTech | 13:26, 24.07.23

Over a thousand demonstrators, made up of Israelis and their American supporters, marched over the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City on Sunday, expressing their disapproval of the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul.

The protesters, armed with Israeli flags, traversed the famous urban structure, echoing the cry of "Democracy."

Protest on Brooklyn Bridge. Protest on Brooklyn Bridge. Protest on Brooklyn Bridge.

This gathering was organized by UnXeptable, an activist collective of Israeli expatriates.

The event coordinators estimate that more than a thousand individuals took part, including Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, one of the highest-ranking Jewish officials in the city's government.

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Erel Margalit, founder and chairman of JVP, was among those who delivered a speech to the demonstrators. “The battle for Israel’s future is not just the battle of the country of Israel. It is not just the battle of the people of Israel. This is the battle of the entire Jewish people around the world,” Margalit said. “The Israeli high-tech sector is stronger than ever, leading the fight for Democracy. We will not stop creating bridges. The bridge, the alliance between Israel and the U.S. is more important than ever. This alliance needs to stand up, and say clearly – Israel will not become a dictatorship, this needs to stop.”

UnXeptable also organized a protest in San Francisco which attracted hundreds of participants.

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