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Salesforce donates 3 million dollars to terror attack victims, among them Holocaust survivors

Salesforce donates 3 million dollars to terror attack victims, among them Holocaust survivors

The company announced a significant donation in order to help with the immediate needs created following the terrorist attack on Israel

Tech On Duty in collaboration with Poalim Tech | 13:14, 19.10.23

Salesforce announced a significant donation of 3 million dollars to help with the immediate needs created following the terrorist attack and the Hamas-Israel war. The money was donated to three Israeli and international organizations, Ihud Hatzala, Save the Children, and The Association for Immediate Help for Holocaust Survivors, to provide the victims with basic aid, food, equipment, and emotional support.

Salesforce employees Salesforce employees Salesforce employees

The company's supporting statement reads: "The terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel is horrifying and heartbreaking. So many innocent lives have been taken and tragically altered by these inhumane acts of violence against Israeli civilians and communities. Our hearts are with the victims, their loved ones, and communities, as well as our colleagues, families, and friends who live in or who have loved ones in the region. We mourn the loss of innocent lives and the unfolding humanitarian crisis.

Our priority has been the health and safety of our employees, their families, and loved ones. We have been working to support all our employees in Israel and provide whatever assistance they need."

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