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Israel's Elbit strikes $150-200M deal with Brazilian army amid President's genocide accusations

Israel's Elbit strikes $150-200M deal with Brazilian army amid President's genocide accusations

Despite the President of Brazil's accusations against Israel, his army has decided to purchase 36 new ATMOS self-propelled guns from the Israeli defense giant

Yuval Azulay | 10:14, 01.05.24

Against the backdrop of the political tensions between Israel and Brazil over the war in Gaza, the Brazilian army has decided to upgrade its artillery array and purchase from Israel's Elbit Systems 36 new ATMOS self-propelled guns, as part of a deal estimated at $150-200 million.

The Brazilian army's decision was made following a lengthy process and the examination of cannons developed by different arms manufacturers from all over the world. According to reports in Brazil, the plan to equip the army with the new cannons is supposed to last for about eight years and as part of it, Elbit Systems will also provide it with a simulator that will be used to train the operating teams of these systems.

The ATMOS is a 155mm/52 caliber truck-mounted howitzer that offers the advantages of superior fire power, enhanced mobility and rapid response time. The modular ATMOS system is compatible with any 6×6 or 8×8 high-mobility tactical truck. ATMOS supplies fire support for all types of missions and can be easily interfaced with customers’ existing C4I systems.

The IDF will also be equipped with cannons of the same type in the coming years. Similar cannons have already been sold by the Israeli manufacturer to armies around the world, including the Philippines and Denmark.

Elbit Systems did not respond to the reports in Brazil. In 2020, it was reported that the Philippine army will be equipped with 12 cannons of the same type, as part of a deal that was worth about $45-50 million, and from this it is estimated that the scope of the new deal in Brazil will be at least $150 million.

Sweden’s BAE Systems, France’s Nexter and other companies from Turkey, Slovakia and China competed for the tender alongside Elbit.

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Elbit's presence in Brazil may facilitate the provision of maintenance services for cannons that will be delivered to the military. Alongside these, Elbit signed a memorandum of understanding with the Brazilian authorities according to which it will increase the production capacity of 155 mm shells adapted to its ATMOS guns in Brazil, while transferring knowledge on the subject.

The Brazilian army's choice of the Israeli cannons comes at a time of intense tension between the two countries, against the background of the war in Gaza and harsh criticism that Brazilian President Luiz Inácio da Silva (Lula) has leveled at Israel on several occasions during the past few months, accusing it of "genocide". Following the unfounded accusation on his part, that Israel allegedly murdered over 12 million Palestinian children, Foreign Minister Israel Katz stated that Lula is an unwanted personality in Israel until he apologizes for his words.

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