14. retired Finally good news in my lifetime. After the collapse of the communism,this is the best news for us in Israel. The government of.Israel protected for decades the ganavim,who are practically tax evaders. Similar must be done for food. industry!! Miron | 03.01.18 (ל"ת)
13. its overdue the startup nation is living day to day life like the 80's its almost to late but they will need to get some better shiping service and customer service both are severly lacking in this country chill | 13.12.17 (ל"ת)
12. you are missing the all point of Amazon coming to israel! it is not only for israelis to buy products from overseas, it is about small business that today cannot sell item in israel due to logistics or paying for expensive web sites. amazon give the opportunity to small business sell item on its platform. it will push lower prices from current importer and promote samll businesses. bar | 13.12.17 (ל"ת)
11. Local retailers had the writing on the wall, and dragged their feet. Incredible as it may sound, 7 years ago, a simple charging cable for your smartphone used to cost 20$ or more here. The first major breakthrough was Dealextreme. That shop was a huge hit by people who knew about it here. Retailers thought it will not bpther them, with its small volume of the overall market, and ignored the sign. then came Aliexpress. Ali changed the market rules. Amazon is riding the online habits Ali created, and with Amazon's superb service and relibaility, the local retailers will be caught unprepaired. I don't envy them, and at the same time can tell them it is a problem they created. Gal | 30.11.17 (ל"ת)
8. VAT It will certainly be cheaper for shipping, but we'll still be paying VAT on purchases. Chaim | 27.11.17 (ל"ת)
7. Disaster Real disaster in the making. Yes, "Startup Nation" worships technology in all it's forms. But unleashing Amazon on a tiny country like Israel will destroy most of retail industry. Simply put, no store can compete with Bezos. On the Upper East Side of Manhattan, as the streets are clogged with UPS, FedEx and USPS trucks delivering thousands of Amazon packages an hour, there's over 150 vacant stores. It's as if we're in the midst of a recession. The power and convenience of clicking on Prime for free Next Day Delivery is way too tempting for the average shopper. Dr Rob Lee | 27.11.17 (ל"ת)
6. Consumers need Amazon in Israel. Amazon will do what the Israeli government has failed to do. Lower prices to a reasonable level. To date the consumer has been the loader. GO Amazon. S Cooper | 26.11.17 (ל"ת)
5. Best news of the year They will crush it and crush all the ganavim that are ruining this country. Welcome to the holyland Amazon, I'll be a great customer. Steve | 26.11.17 (ל"ת)
3. not just speed and cost but also choice & variety In addition to price and delivery times, there's also the issue of choice: I often search online to know what's on the market, only realize that the choice of product is so much better through Amazon than on the high street where these items simply can't be found. UR | 26.11.17 (ל"ת)
2. Welcome Amazon! If this country can support multiple IKEAs (always packed and busy), certainly more big-box retailers (Amazon, Walmart, Costco) can come here and serve Israel's booming middle class. All are welcome, please come!! Avi | 26.11.17 (ל"ת)
1. Amazon will rule the market in Israel Jeff Bezos will capitalize on this market. That is for sure. David | 26.11.17 (ל"ת)
Amazon Plans to Set Up a Shipping Center in Israel
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