15. Mrs The minimum age allowed we all know. But we also need an age limit after a certain age our reflexes and hearing .and balance is impaired .and it becomes dangerous to everyone around if an elderly person thinks he is fit enough to use a e.bike or scooter. Brenda glikson | 30.10.19 (ל"ת)
14. On Dizengoff Day before yesterday in the evening, I saw two boys on the sidewalking running like crazy, if 25km/hr. is the maximum speed, they were at 25, sporting an incredibly loud syren and honking nonstop terrorizing pedestrians who ran away from them - luckily I saw no accident that is to happen soon! No police, no complaints, that is why, once more, there will be no "regulation" - Israelis forget so quickly that this "regulation" the police tried three other times before to no avail. Shai Axelrud | 07.06.19 (ל"ת)
13. eDeath And how about going after the parents of children BELOW 16 that I see riding these things every day! Steve | 21.10.18 (ל"ת)
12. electric bicycles The use of, and necessity for, these machines has been completely corrupted. Their use, usually by young males, has just been seen as a means of travelling far faster than would normally be possible. Observation in a number of locations shows that, in the vast majority, their users are relying completely upon the electric motor and not making any effort to pedal the bikes. Regrettably, but necessarily for the safety of pedestrians and the users of the bikes themselves, there is only one answer - an outright ban, unless the user can demonstrate a proper need for such a device. The ban to be enforced by the police and the army if necessary with confiscation, with no right of appeal, of anyone found in breach of the ban. This is, quite simply, an issue of what is the greater good for the majority of people for once taking precedence over the usual liberal condescension. Jeffrey Grossman | 16.10.18 (ל"ת)
11. Mr. Since the possibility is being investigated that 2 people were riding the same e-scooter in the latest accident, I would think that the law should make it clear that only ONE PERSON can ride an e-scooter. Michael Lubetzky | 08.10.18 (ל"ת)
10. The minister is as usual deluded Fact: An impact at 25 km/hr is capable of killing a person at worst, or certainly inflicting serious physical damage at best. Restricting these "weapons" to the age of 16 is nothing short of gross negligence and incompetence. Boys, especially, are at peak risk-taking age until at least their early 20s. As for the penalties, first you have to get them -- no ID, no registration numbers, no insurance. And WE have virtually no police to deal with such numbers. Stand outside any school these days as the kids speed their way home on these things. No way are the majority of them 16 and over. Most are showing off, with passengers at the back. All it takes to catch this lot and punish the PARENTS for buying their darlings these death machines, is to park outside and grab them one by one. But here's the thing: NO manpower. Apparently it takes the son of famous person to get Mr Katz out of his stupor. Glen | 09.10.18 (ל"ת)
9. Electric powered bicycles. The government has passed laws but they are not enforced. Here, in Beer Sheva, the people ride unhampered on the sidewalks making it very dangerous especially for the older folk. Nothing is done about it. The city needs to establish a city police force to enforce the laws pssed. Yaakov Reuven | 07.10.18 (ל"ת)
8. E-bike regulation What a joke regulation means nothing , it is about implementing and properly executing the regulation.....how on earth will you stop the illegal tuned ebikes ? with what ? a police car ? it is just another nonsense political statement ..EMPTY....no one with a tuned ebike or scooter will care ...and the ones that do care do not make the accidents ... you need to make and force real measures...no insurance when causing injury or accidents to third party ..all damages un insured etc.. when caught on a non insured non approved bike immediate repossesion and desctruction of the bike .....simple..... speaking my mind | 06.10.18 (ל"ת)
7. forgotton insurance surely the Government should also insist of 3rd Party insurance and maybe a 2 year mechanicial control similar to a car ? ahmed | 06.10.18 (ל"ת)
6. electric bikes & scooters No plan to make 3rd party insurance mandatory and for confirmation to be displayed on each bike with users name & identity number thereon? gordon | 05.10.18 (ל"ת)
5. scared and scarred I am an old guy and when I am walking on the sidewalk and these electric bikes silently zip by they go so fast and they frighten me. If they bump into me, I know that I will have broken bones. They should be used ONLY on the streets. Larry | 05.10.18 (ל"ת)
4. kalnoits too I have a driverslicense, am way over 18 and disabled so I drive kalnoit. kalnoits need be subject to the same rules. Also traffic adaptations are needed for electric bikes scooters and kalnoits. jochair thijssen | 06.10.18 (ל"ת)
2. Band aid on the wrong foot Save for the requirement of non drivers to pass a riding test and obligatory light fixtures, the rest is just bureaucratic nonsense, aimed at limiting and even penalizing ebike riders for doing their best to alleviate the horredous road congestion. Deavman | 05.10.18 (ל"ת)
1. Electric bikes 1. Do they have insurance? Probably not. 2. No proper clothing? Most 3. No headgear? Most 4. Cycling on the sidewalk? Most 5. Carrying passengers? Up to three. 6. Lights? Often not. 7. Cycling wrong way on a one-way street? Often 8. Serious risk to pedestrians? Often 9. Ignoring traffic lights? Often 10. Too young? Often 11. Action taken by police or the Irya? Rare. David Kravitz | 06.10.18 (ל"ת)
Israel to Increase Regulation on Electric Bikes and E-Scooters
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