8. boycott the antisemitic organisation called airbnb Airbnb is not only bad when it comes to get some good accommodation in different countries but it is a racist company like BSD .They probably cooperate. They stop their activities in Judea and Samaria because they claim that these parts of Israel (actually heart of Israel) should be arabo muslim. They do everything to mask their antisemitism, but cooperate with BDS and other antisemitic organisations. All freedom loving and non racist peopel should boycott airbnb maria | 06.04.19 (ל"ת)
7. Scandalous Policy This policy is totally scandalous and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Based on that "logic" a number of territories across the world would have to be excluded from AirBnB. These guys have no clue what they're doing and are simply caving in to pressure from some useful and ill-informed idiots. Marcel M. Pfister | 08.03.19 (ל"ת)
6. Speechless I say take your money and fuck off. We don't need this bullshit company here. We are not interested in how many porperties will be removed. We are pissed that it will happen at all. Katrin Levi | 07.03.19 (ל"ת)
5. Only Jewish Settlements, not all West Bank listings? But in the Crimea, did Airbnb take sides? How about Georgia’s separatist republic of Abkhazia and breakaway republic South Ossetia? Only one set of listings, or all listings? Only in the West Bank is one side of the dispute removed? BE | 07.03.19 (ל"ת)
4. AIrBnB are anti-semitic, fact. They're targeting people based on being Jewish. Arab homes are not being banned in the west bank, just Jewish ones. Targeting Jews and only Jews seems racist to me. Airbnb can spin it anyway they like, but they are discriminating against an ethnic and religious group, and as such I will never use them. Ben | 07.03.19 (ל"ת)
3. AirBnB's "commitment" is just empty nonsense AirBnB's "commitment" is just empty so long as it discriminates against Israel in her own Promised Land.... TH | 07.03.19 (ל"ת)
2. Airbnb Crimea was part of Ukraine; Abkhazia was part of Georgia; West Bank, didn't belong to any state. You cannot compare oranges with apples. Gene | 07.03.19 (ל"ת)
Airbnb Highlights Commitment to Israel Following Backlash Over Settlements Ban
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