Let's Mask, and Unmask the Power of Science
It may not seem like it, but throughout our ancient war with viruses, humanity has the upper hand
Yuri Milner | 14:47, 02.04.20
For our entire history, we have been locked in battle with microscopic pathogens, and we have always been a step behind. Their advantage was built into their basic biology: namely, their lightning-fast rates of replication, evolution, and transmission.
In the age of global travel, you might think that viruses have an even bigger advantage, and indeed, today an outbreak in a single country can become a pandemic within weeks. But in the age of computers and the internet, it is not only our bodies that are more connected, but also our minds. It is this mental connectivity that will allow us to finally turn the tables on our ancient foes. Because as fast as viruses can spread, ideas can spread much faster, zipping between millions of minds in seconds. Moreover, the accumulation of scientific ideas is an exponential process in its own right. For the first time, the power of exponential growth favors us. To take advantage of this power, we need to learn to absorb ideas and change cultural customs faster than we currently do. It is a strange paradox of the human mind that we are both endlessly creative and, often, resistant to new ideas. Few of the great inventions of our early history took over the world within a human lifetime. Some took thousands of years. In the case of sanitation, practices have varied widely by culture. For example, while bathing was standard in the Asian and Middle-Eastern cultures of the sixteenth century, it was much rarer among their contemporaries in the other parts of the world, leaving them particularly vulnerable to disease. When it comes to wearing masks, we are in the same situation today. The populations of southeast Asian countries have developed strong norms around mask use, especially since the SARS outbreak in 2002. But the rest of us have failed to keep up with progress. And while the spread of the coronavirus has so far been controlled in China, South Korea, and Singapore in part because they are wearing masks, in many other countries it is still spreading fast. Eight years ago, my wife Julia and I established our foundation, which alongside our partners funds the Breakthrough Prize, rewarding scientists for fundamental discoveries and raising the prestige of science. It also invests in astronomical and space programs. But during this crisis, our foundation turned its attention to much more practical, down-to-earth tasks. Here in Israel, it has made donations to the National Emergency Medical Response Service, leading research institutes working on developing treatments for the virus, and one of the largest public hospitals. Now it is donating three million masks for use during this pandemic, working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Magen David Adom, which will receive and distribute them. Some of the masks will go to medical workers, the unsung heroes of our time. But a significant fraction will go to organizations providing essential services, whose frontline workers are still required to do their jobs during the lockdown.